Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bruce Willis

My latest drawing - of the awesome actor: Bruce Willis.
I've been wanting to do a drawing of him for a while now, and as I was browsing through the images thing on google, I found this one, and I just -had- to draw it. Only took me about 2,5 hours, but I'm pretty sure it'd take an hour or two longer if he wasn't wearing sunglasses and I had to do the part that's hardest to do in a portrait: his eyes.
I WILL do another portrait of him though, without sunglasses on. Hehe.

It was so much fun drawing this one. Not only because it was done so quickly but.. It was fun playing around with the texture, the shading and the lighting. And the glasses! Oh MY that was fun! :P I'll definitely do more sunglasses-portraits. Haha.

Usually when I draw, I save several "so-far" pictures of my progress, first with the sketch, then what I've done an hour later, so on and so on. But since I didn't spend much time on this one, i only saved ONE so-far-picture.. which was this one:

I'd only been working on it for... about 30 min I think, when I saved this one.
Oh well, in later blogs, I'll show more "progress-so-far" pictures I guess, to get more out of the post.

What was funny about this one.. was that as I was drawing the nose - I realized how HUGE the right nostril looks! Hahaha. But it IS like that in the original picture as well, and I didn't know how else I should do it, as I usually draw exactly what I see. Shade can make things look funny.. :P

Now I'm gonna start working on my next portrait, which is gonna take A LOT longer than this one. I'm sure it'll take 5-10 hours to finish it - so I'm gonna go fetch myself some patience and get started.

Hope you liked this one, and please comment :)



  1. Maybe he just has a big nostril. Never noticed it in the movies though :P

    Good work anyway, impressed it took only 30 min to get that far.
