Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When colors aren't so impossible..

So, maybe portraits isn't the easiest thing for me to draw, but there are some things that simply look better with colors. Like my Assassin's Creed drawing, which I did in gimp:
This one I started drawing in the end of July 2010, then I just.. put it away for a while. And I didn't finish it till the beginning of February. So - it's possible to take a break from a drawing for...quite some time.
I'm glad I decided to finish it though: I'm not sure how many hours I spent on it all together, but I reckon it was somewhere between 5-8 hours. I -really- don't remember. Hehe.
I'm still happy with it looking back at it today, and I will definitely do more Assassin's Creed drawings later on. I'm sure I'll be -very- motivated to do some drawings from that game once I get "Brotherhood" at some point this summer :) Awesome games... awesome games.. :P

Another colored drawing that I'm quite satisfied with, is one of my cat Swiffer, who died in May last year... I'm still sad about it, a year later, and I know I will be for a very long time. I truly loved that cat, and I will always always remember him. He died far too soon - he got hit by a car. And he was only about... 3 or 4 years old I think. What a wonderful and funny cat he was. He could sleep in the weirdest positions, and still be comfortable, and he had such a charming (yes, charming) personality.
So, I drew this, from a picture my mom took a few years ago:
Took me about 3 hours to finish this one, and I'm happy with the result. That's Swiffer in a nutshell (well not really, it's Swiffer on top of my mom's books. lol). One of his awkward positions.. on top of an awkward place. Hehe :) this one I did in the end of January, and again: in gimp.

Another colored one I did, one of my first digital drawings actually, is of some Sakura flowers - from a picture I took when I lived in Japan (god how I miss that place!)

As you can see, the date was June 6th 2010. So yeah, one of my first. And I think it looks sort of cute. Hehe. Buuuut, I think I'm gonna stick with taking photographs of flowers.
1: It's much easier
2: It looks better
3: I can always do a photomanipulation of the photo's, which I will show you a few examples of in a later post :)

So while I'm at it here, I'll just put in two drawings I did out of my own head back in December. I was inspired by an artist on DeviantArt who always draws cats, with bubble around them, so I drew this one:
And well, it's just some 20 minute doodle I did. I like blue lights, so I put a few spots on to a black background just to goof around, and I put a cat's head in there, and my pretty new signature on the bottom. I'm glad I started doing that sign,cause writing my full name never looked that good (not complaining about my name - just my handwriting lol), so writing my initials looked way better! So I'm sticking with that one, as you can see in all my  new drawings.
The other 20-minute-cat-drawing-doodle I did, is of Swiffer again, actually:
I'm imagining this is him in heaven, playing around with some... light..ball.. But of course, I hope heaven for him is WAY more fun than that, cause that just looks... boring! Nothing but a blue light in the background and a little lightball - he'd get bored with that ball within 30 seconds, I promise you! haha.
Sigh. Nah, I'm sure that if there is a cat heaven (let me believe this, ok?? ) - he's doing great there.

And with this, sort of emotional state - hehe, I'll end this post, and post some more stuff tomorrow.
 Hope ya'll liked it, and please comment or tick one of those boxes down here on what you thought about it.

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