Sunday, May 29, 2011

Time to blog again

So, I was told I should make a blog to post my drawings and photographs - so I thought "why not".
I've tried blogging before, about... random things, mainly Japan - but that ended before it even started, more or less.
Anyways, I love drawing - I love photography, and I love posting my work on to Facebook and DeviantART, so I thought it can't hurt to post it on to another site. A blog. :P
Let's see if I can keep this up :P

I'll start it off with posting my latest drawing, which I did in Photoshop (my BFF lol), of Dean and Sam Winchester from the show Supernatural. (Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki)
I've done too many drawings of Jensen Ackles already, and I'm not gonna stop here. :P
Took me 9 hours to finish, and it is - my best- drawing so far. Quite happy with it, and even more happy to be finished with it :)

Another one I've done of Jensen, is this one:
This one took me about 3 hours, also in Photoshop. This was my best drawing before the one with both the Winchester boys. hehe. I'm still quite satisfied with it, but.. it's really nothing compared to the other one :)
However, it's fun to see how things improve, this is my first drawing of Jensen in a program called Gimp - which I used before I started using Photoshop:
Even though it took me 3-4 hours to finish it, I'm not happy with it compared to what I can draw now. Drew this one in September last year, so I'm happy to see that I've improved. The proportions are all wrong in this one, BUT, I like the hair, and the texture of the jacket. Hehe.
Of course, drawing digitally is totally different from drawing traditionally - on a piece of paper. It's harder to erase what you've done wrong, and you gotta be careful with doing the sketch so it doesn't show through..the drawing itself lol. I'm no good at traditional drawing, yet, but, hopefully I'll improve there as well :)
This one I did in about... 20 or 30 minutes I think. Drawing the same picture in photoshop as well, but it's not done yet. I'll post it when it is.

Anyways, this is my first... blog entry, in this blog of mine :P
There'll be more. Lots more. IF you people decide to read or have a look at it :)

Leave a comment on what you think, and feel free to come with suggestions on what you want me to draw next :)


  1. Yeeeey!
    Det funker! ;)

    Nå er det bare å tegne i vei, så vi får se mer ;D

  2. Artig å se den nye bloggen oppe og kjøre så kjapt!

    Og veldig arti å se sammenligninga mellom gamle og nye bilder. En veldig tydelig forbedring i skills!!

    Ser frem til nye bilder på bloggen. Si ifra på FB når du oppdaterer? ;)
