Monday, June 6, 2011

Where does patience come from...??

So, I was thinking that maybe I shouldn't post another... post, till I finished the drawing I'm currently working on - but.. as it's taking so damn LONG to finish it (!!) - I guess I'll just post some of my old drawings (again) on here, so that I don't end up giving up on this blog-thingie before it's even started.
So far I've been working on this drawings for... 6,5  hours or something. Maybe more. Not sure. And... there's too much left. I reckon it'll take me another 3 hours (at least) to finish it. Reason: It's just TOO DAMN HARD TO DRAW! I don't know what I was THINKING! And of course, I'm doing it in color. I'm brilliant.

Yeah, so.. I'm trying to stay patient. There are SO many other portraits I wanna do!! I've got this looong list on my post-it-note-thingy on my desktop,most of them are celebrities of course, and some of them, are requests from friends, and, I just wanna get started on them! Not sit around working on hair and the details on a bandanathingy for hours and hours... But oh well, if I just stay patient, I know it'll turn out to be my best colored drawing so far, so.. Yeah. Hanging in there. Dunno how some people do it... colors... *cursing*

Alrighty, now... what drawings should I post... How aboooout, some of my other black and white drawings. Hah, black and white <3 :P *singing michael jackson's song*

I'll start out with a drawing I did of my fiancè, Luke, all bloody after a wrestling match... years ago. It was pretty fun to work with, my first proper drawing with photoshop, and I -really- enjoyed playing around with some of the texture brushes.

Hehe. So, I got his face all wrong. It's too... round. Makes him look like a little kid. This, of course, was before I started using grids. But other than the shape of his face being wrong, i was pretty satisfied with it. And he used it as his facebook profile picture for quite some time, and that made me more satisfied with it :P
Took me about 3-4 hours.

Alright sooooo.... My second proper photoshop drawing was Orlando Bloom (Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean)
Which I was very satisfied with after I finished it. Hehe. Again - No grid. Wonder how it'd look like if I used that.... Took about 3-4 hours as well (What??? :P)
Then, Keira Knightly (Elisabeth Swann from the same movie)
Turned out alright I think. Took about 4 hours (again - WHAT? I thought I didn't have the patience to work on a drawing for that long before...)
Ok so, yeah, Pirates of the Caribbean. I was on a roll, I though, and I was planning on doing Johnny Depp - CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow as well, but never ended up doing it...
But then - dun dun duuuuuun - I saw the 4th movie last thursday - (spoiler alert. spoiler alert! Nah, not that anyone's reading this blog anyways. hah :P) and I started working on a drawing of him, finally. But of course, this is the drawing I still haven't finished... cause of his damn hair.... and believe it or not - the dreads - was NOT the hard part! That was actually easy and a lot of fun to draw. But it's the braids and the wavy part of his hair, and his bandana thingy that's what's taking me so long. Plus - I dunno what to do with the drawing, so dreading that part.. Lol.. (Lame, I know)

Ok, so, ending this blog now.
I'll post Captain Jack Sparrow as soon as I finish him.

Please comment, cause... I dunno if I'm writing a personal diary here or if people are actually reading (or just looking at it is fine even), and if I should keep going on with this blog stuff. :P


1 comment:

  1. Heia!
    Knallfine bilder du tegner! :D
    Sitter og beundrer bildene dine med jevne mellomrom jeg. ;-)
