Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Emma Stone

Have you seen Easy A? If you haven't - you should. That girl cracks me up, so funny. Without her, the movie would be nothing. Hehe. She's in Zombieland as well, and I'm guessing most of you've seen that one. Of course, she's awesome in the other movies she's in as well :)
Anywho. I had to draw her, since I'm suuuch a big fan. Hehe.

Yepp, back to Black&White again. What I'm most comfortable with. I won't give up on colors though, I just wanted to do another b&w one.
So... Photoshop again of course. Don't think I'll ever go back to Gimp when it comes to drawings.. I'm in love with photoshop, and its awesome brushes.
Took me about 6 hours, and I think... about 4 of those I spent on the hair alone... I'm not sure, but the hair was.. yeah, most of the work on this one. It was... a pain, BUT I had fun with it. Fun pain. Haha!
No, really, it was really hard to do - doing long hair is so much harder than short. Doing those long strokes without making them look like ¤%&/(€$£@ is way difficult.
The rest wasn't that hard compared to the hair, but of course, that's not perfect either. But I'm getting better :)
So now for the progress pictures. ;)
Sketch. Not sure how long it took me.. 20-30 min maybe.
Haha, my sketches are getting better as well. You can sort of tell it's her in this one. You couldn't really tell who it was on my earlier sketches... :P

Starting with the eye after filling in a little of the grey here and there.
45 min in.

Other eye, a bit of the nose and the lips, and a bit more shade put in.
1,5 hours in.

And so I decided to start on what I knew would take me the longest.
Just got in part of the base... stuff.. haha. Where most of the shadings were in the hair, and how it moved.
2 hours in.

Making the brush smaller, I started putting in more of the  the fine strands of hair.
2,5 hours in.

More shading. And then I took a break from it for a few days.
2 h 45 min in.

Starting to look right. Gotten in most of the highlighting, shades and the finer strands of hair. Also blurring it on the right side a little.
Added a bit of the background on the left side to see the contrast between that and the hair there.
4 hours in.

More or less done. just a few more highlights and shadings. And fixing the background and yeah, a few final touches. And of course my signature. hehe.
About 5,5 hours in here. What's mentioned about I guess took 20-30 min. I wasn't paying attention much on this one..

And the result you've already seen, on the top of this page.
It was fun to work on, and I enjoyed working on a black and white one. What a pain it would be to do a color one. Haha.
I hope I'll be motivated to work on a Robert Knepper drawing next, cause I only have about 3 or 4 weeks to finish it so he can sign it.. hehe. *fingers crossed it'll turn out good enough*
Anyways. Hope you liked this one.
Please comment :)

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