Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Drawing of the day #2 - March 14th - 2012

My second drawing is 30 min late to make it in to the 14th, but it's still the 14th somewhere in this world :P
 Anyways. I had a crappy day, (long story short - some customers are just rude, ungrateful assholes) -  and so I felt like drawing a picture of someone screaming and going a bit wild, so I came up with this one.

For a reference I just took a picture of myself making sort of the same pose, so I could get some of the features right, but I made the subject some guy as I thought it'd look better and more dramatic than a woman standing there clawing at a "wall" till her fingers bled.

Made it in photoshop this time, as I wanted the colors in there. Used a brush that I usually use for hair in my other photoshop pieces.
It's not a particularly good drawing, but at least it's better and with more of an effort than my little Bat drawing :P Spent about 30-40 min max on it. A bit too much for how it turned out, but oh well :P
Better quality too :P

Anywho. It's late and I can't be bothered writing much, as there's not really much to write anyways.
Plus, I wanna go to sleep :P



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