Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Drawing of the day #2 - March 14th - 2012

My second drawing is 30 min late to make it in to the 14th, but it's still the 14th somewhere in this world :P
 Anyways. I had a crappy day, (long story short - some customers are just rude, ungrateful assholes) -  and so I felt like drawing a picture of someone screaming and going a bit wild, so I came up with this one.

For a reference I just took a picture of myself making sort of the same pose, so I could get some of the features right, but I made the subject some guy as I thought it'd look better and more dramatic than a woman standing there clawing at a "wall" till her fingers bled.

Made it in photoshop this time, as I wanted the colors in there. Used a brush that I usually use for hair in my other photoshop pieces.
It's not a particularly good drawing, but at least it's better and with more of an effort than my little Bat drawing :P Spent about 30-40 min max on it. A bit too much for how it turned out, but oh well :P
Better quality too :P

Anywho. It's late and I can't be bothered writing much, as there's not really much to write anyways.
Plus, I wanna go to sleep :P



Drawing of the day #1 - March 13, 2012

Since I take so freakin' long to draw a proper drawing in photoshop (as I have too many other hobbies and lazy stuff to do besides drawing), I don't get to update my blog that often.
So I'm gonna start Drawing of The Day. Meaning.. I will draw one drawing, everyday... for, who knows, maybe a year. See how long I can keep it up. With the way I give up on stuff like *snapping fingers* that - I don't really think this will last that long, but worst case scenario - it'll turn into Drawing of The Week. :P (ok, worst case scenario - I stop drawing all together, but I don't see that happening).

So, yeah. Everyday, I will do a drawing and post it on facebook, twitter and *tadaaah* my blog. I've seen people start "Picture of The Day" on Facebook, and thought I'd do my own little twist on it. Get my creativity bubbling. Or something.
However, most of the days - it'll just be a quick drawing, sometimes 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15... whatever - kind of sketchy thing, which really doesn't look like much at all - BUT at least it will be a drawing. Made by me. Everyday.
And sometimes... it'll be one of those better Photoshop drawings that I've spent hours and hours making. SO yeah, we'll see how this works out. :)

Drawing the day for March 13th (yes, it's the 14th today, but I forgot about posting last nights drawing here on the blog) - is this little piece of sh**:

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to write sh**. I meant to write shit. And I'm allowed to write that, cause it's really not such a bad word, cause it's a natural "thing", that really just looks and smells bad. Dunno why people make such a big fuzz over that little word. It's a satisfying word to say. It's got the SH and it's got the IT, and said with a bit of force and...exaggeration.. well - it'll calm you down afterwards. It's like having a verbal workout. You'll feel a bit shitty before and when you say it - but after, you feel better. Depending on who was around when you said it, because not everyone shares my opinion. Like customers where you work - don't you dare say shit around them... could get ya fired. :O

Anyways. I'm just talking shit here (oh yes, I'll keep writing it, because it satisfies me. At least it's not as bad as the f-word - ey?) - What I mean to say is.... This drawing is a bit shit. Because, it only took me 10 minutes. It's my first drawing in this new little challenge of mine - which sort of embarrasses me. AND.... I actually took a picture of the paper I drew it on with my phone, instead of scanning it. Yes, I'm lazy.
I thought.. that this drawing... wasn't worth a scanning. So there you have it.

Basically - I wanted to draw a bat, because I think they're cute - and a lot of people don't think they are. So... I drew a cute bat, to... put bats of of the bad little corner they've been put in.
Nobody puts Bat in the corner.

... Didn't really work, did it?

Enough with this ....
I'm gonna go ahead and draw a better drawing right now. :P

Thank you, if you were awesome and bored enough to read all of this. :)
